Wentworth CofE Junior & Infant School

Wentworth CofE Junior & Infant School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Churchfield Lane, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S62 7TX


01226 350246

staying safe online

Welcome to the Wentworth CofE online safety page! Children are never too young to learn the importance of keeping safe online. Whilst the advice they receive will vary depending on their age it is vital to teach them key messages as early as possible, in language they understand. We all play a vital role in developing the life skills and knowledge they need to use the online world safely and with confidence. 

We aim to develop awareness of both children and parents through:

  • regular in class sessions focusing on online safety 
  • regular assemblies delivered by both adults and children 
  • update parents through delivering parent sessions
  • sharing current information and advice through the school newsletter 
  • providing Digital Parenting magazine

Please access the links to develop your awareness alongside you children.

Staying safe online - Curriculum opportunities

We promote staying safe online through our PSHE lessons and also through our computing lessons. We also engage in regular events and ways to promote our online safety messages. This includes engaging in the annual Internet Safety Day.

We also make use of the Google Internet Legends Programme in KS2. Information about this can be found online at: BeInternetAwesome


Safer Internet Day (@safeinternetday) | Twitter

We also have opportunities in collective worship and in ICT lessons to revisit our SMART Rules:

SMART Rules – st-thereses-catholic-primary-school


Useful information to know: Social media age restrictions

We understand the importance of keeping our pupils safe in the digital world, which is why we have provided some essential information and guidelines regarding popular social media platforms. It's crucial for both parents and pupils to be aware of age restrictions and take necessary precautions while using these platforms.

 13 years old.

 13 years old

 at least 13 years old to create an account. Additionally, TikTok offers a restricted mode feature for users aged 13-15.

 13 years old.

 16 years old.

 13 years old.


Please note that these age restrictions are in place to comply with laws and regulations regarding online privacy and data protection. It is crucial to ensure that children use these platforms responsibly and with appropriate supervision. Parents and guardians are encouraged to have open conversations with their children about the potential risks and importance of online safety.

Useful links to support staying safe online

For further guidance on online safety and responsible internet use, we recommend visiting the following websites.

Childnet - The resources page on Childnet includes interactive stories, games, information posters and activities for all age groups.

Thinkuknow - A useful website with lots of advice and resources which helps you to teach children the importance of staying safe online.

NSPCC - Keeping children safe online. This is a fantastic site which provides guides and articles for you to help keep your child or children safe online.

Parent zone - Another fantastic online resource providing you with many innovative ways to improve you and your family's understanding of keeping safe online.

BeInternetLegends - A very informative website which provides you with lots of information about different aspects of the web.


Useful parent and carer guides 

In this section you will find handy PDF guides about different aspects of the web. This section will develop throughout the coming weeks and months. Look out for an weekly email over the final half term providing you with a handy guide to keep your child safe online!


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