Wentworth CofE Junior & Infant School

Wentworth CofE Junior & Infant School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Churchfield Lane, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S62 7TX


01226 350246

Our School Ethos and Values

Our Christian ethos and values are woven through school life in our belief that we are all unique individuals but..."Together We Prosper"

 Through a love of learning, a CURIOUS mind and the AWE and WONDERMENT of the world around us we flourish, in the life God has given and in which we experience God's  "Plans to prosper you, keep you from harm, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11).

At Wentworth C of E School we are committed to delivering and improving the quality of education provision where our ethos is to work together to nurture and support everyone to ensure our school community experience a sense of ‘Awe and Wonder” provoking Curiosity to drive the culture of being life-long learners.

Through the formal curriculum and wider experiential learning offered to our learners they are supported to grow in to confident and aware individuals that are building knowledge and  skills to reach their potential holistically both now and  in the future. The skills that we instil in each of our learners, both adult and children ensure that they have a thirst for knowledge, are motivated to learn together and that they take the lead in their own personal development; in the security that they are supported by those around them and our belief that "Together We Prosper" High quality educational experiences are achieved by: 

  • Positive, caring and focused leadership 
  • Whole staff commitment to children's wellbeing, confidence, self esteem and ability to flourish
  • Whole staff high expectations for behaviour, social and academic development 
  • Sequential learning providing authentic experiences that develop skills and knowledge over time 
  • Learning environments that are safe, secure and foster an enquiring mind
  • Working in partnership with parents, governors and the local community

The  success of high quality education enables our learners to:

  • Develop their application of Reading, Writing and Maths; laying the foundations for all other learning 
  • Develop their social skills that encourage harmonious relationships and a tolerance of others
  • Develop their personal and moral values that are respectful and appreciative of the belief and personal values of others 
  • Develop their attitudes that treat everyone as equal irrespective of gender, race, class, disability or religion

 Our curriculum offer is underpinned by our 6Rs Behaviour for Learning, please click on the link to access how we instill a growth mindset in our learners to enable a love of learning, a thirst for knowledge and a 'can do' independent attitude.


6Rs Behaviour for Learning at Wentworth