Wentworth CofE Junior & Infant School

Wentworth CofE Junior & Infant School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Churchfield Lane, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S62 7TX


01226 350246

SIAMS report

As a Church of England School we are also inspected by the National Society Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools. The inspection framework changed significantly in 2018 and we have been relentless in bridging the gap between the old expectations and the new. Our last inspection was February 2020 with a judgement of "Good". 

SIAMS 2020 

"The staff team work very closely together to ensure the Christian ethos permeates and underpins everything"             

"The enriched, enquiry led and often individualised curriculum reflects and enhances the Christian distinctiveness observed throughout school. The  unique Tribe Time is having a significant impact on the personal development of all involved"

"Pupils are proud to be part of the school and speak with confidence about the nature of the school. They say such things as "to be successful we     know that Together We Prosper".   

"Parents speak in a positive way about the school, saying such things as "I get a lot of support from school which is very important to me and I like the  traditions in the school". 

Download the Wentworth SIAMS report below:

 Wentworth report final draft.pdfDownload
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